Bring joy to their world in merry, minty style. Our charming holiday bouquet is gathered with a swirl of red and white blooms, fragrant evergreens and snowy-tipped pinecones inside a clear glass vase. It’s a festive surprise sure to get them into the spirit of the season. All-around arrangement with red roses, white daisy poms, bi-color red & white carnations and mini carnations; accented with red hypericum berries, assorted Christmas greenery and pinecones. Designed in a clear glass vase. Our florists hand-design each arrangement, so colors, varieties and container may vary due to local availability *We strive to send the freshest flowers. That means they may arrive in bud-form. The benefit is they will last longer for the recipient to enjoy! In the event we are sold out of this container, we will substitute one of equal or higher value.